PERSONAL LOGS OF STRELLA THE HUTT CAPTAIN OF THE CI-80 FREIGHTER "EON EGRET" LOG 1 - 49 BBY DAY 173 - LANTILLIES SYSTEM My investigations into the infamous pirate Mad Captain Aster may not have been fruitless after all. It is lucky for me that the Republic seems unconcerned with recovering Aster's stolen treasures and is focused solely on stopping future piracy. Aster's miserable pirate lieutenant awaiting execution here in Republic prison has expressed interest in meeting with me again, thanks to my having deceived him into believing that I have some influence with the Lantillian justice system. In exchange for my promise of exoneration, the gullible simpleton has agreed to give me the location of one of Captain Aster's former hideouts. Though now unoccupied, he tells me that the hideout was abandoned in haste and implied that many things of value likely still remain there. With any luck, I will learn the hideout's location when I meet with the prisoner again tomorrow. LOG 2 - 49 BBY DAY 176 - SALEUCAMI SYSTEM Perhaps it is mere paranoia, but given the sensitive nature of the information contained here, I have elected to encrypt the remainder of this log entry with a vigenere cipher. Speak, friend, and enter. Ihx mqhrxshriv pxrtxi zah bxir hui th histw, bxpmwvxnz epd twe plmde ihtx M oojlw gsee io amw jehcni el twe eewl mdmxrx. Lht fhsp! Sfiek pisvxnz Peftxleiw, A mpdx e fsczui gshy df mli ssirhkelidn wexs twam xlw pgilsrwr waw kmnec mx erv ltfm mx oiih fc Xgysakmef fgixrh st Yugojgri Smexaoc (tasyyh X nxkpwciew xs leal amq ohpt mli ssirhkelidn wexs ltaww xg. Ht il qc xrxegh, rgt by uvslhtr!) Hrgw twe Xsr Wggem lek bteg vikuepemiv, I seievl td ceeme twe imvstt tkiekuge! LOG 3 - 49 BBY DAY 178 - DERNATINE SYSTEM It seems I have come to the attention of Captain Aster's men. I barely escaped from an ambush above Saleucami, and I fear that these ruthless pirates trail me through hyperspace even now. I must be more careful. LOG 4 - 49 BBY DAY 179 - DEEP SPACE NEAR SALIN CORRIDOR I managed, barely, to destroy the pirate ships that pursued me here from Boonta, but my Eon Egret has not fared much better than the ships of my adversaries. With my navicomputer destroyed and life support systems damaged, there is little hope that I will survive long enough to be rescued by whatever salvage crew eventually comes to investigate my distress beacon. It seems that knowledge of Mad Captain Aster's former hideout shall die with me after all, alas... END OF LOGS