Rules Compendium

The following documents are collected references for game rules information gathered together from the various SWSE rulebooks and house rules, along with catalogues of items, vehicles, species, etc. that have either been sourced from the various SWSE rulebooks, or adapted from other non-SWSE sources, or else are homemade inventions.

Note that in some cases, rules and statistics such as a feat's prerequisites or an item's base price have been adjusted in an effort to keep the game balanced and consistent. In any case where information here disagrees with a house rule given on the House Rules page, the house rule takes precedent. In any case where information here disagrees with something from a SWSE rulebook, the information here takes precedent. An effort has been made to use red text for entries that don't originate from the SWSE rulebooks (or that have been altered from their original values).

See the Rules Compendium Conventions page for guidelines on how to read and make sense of the information given in the spreadsheets on this page. For players already familiar with Dungeons & Dragons or other d20 TTRPG systems but unfamiliar with the SWSE rules, the Features of SWSE page may be helpful.